Fun on the Water
There’s lots to do on Lake Nosbonsing aside from fishing!
We get beautiful weather into September and October, so you can still find plenty to do on the water after summer is over.
Paddle Boating
Take our paddle boat out for a little casual, relaxing exercise as you explore the shoreline. Great for sightseeing.

Paddle Boarding
Stand Up Paddleboarding is very popular – find out what all the fuss is about with our new paddle boards. You can sit or kneel on them too! Take one out for a spin on the lake.

Glass-Bottom and 2-Seat Kayaks
Try our glass-bottom kayak and check out the lake bed while you explore, or take out our kayak built for two!

Diving Platform and Raft
Swim out to our diving platform or the raft and hang out on the lake.

Beautiful Sandy Beach
Our beach is located where the water is shallow and weed free; the best for your small children to learn how to swim or just build sand castles.