We offer excellent docking for your own boat with 4-way tie downs, so your boat is suspended away from the dock.
My father, Cornelius Bos, had to design a docking system that would hold our boats, and yours, if the wind would come strongly out of the south. Birch Hill is situated on the north shore, and there is 3 miles of water from the south shore to the north shore in Maple Cove Bay, where we are located.

After one storm that left all our new docks destroyed, my father decided to put 36 inch culverts filled with concrete off our shoreline, for 90ft out into the lake. He built steel T-shaped brackets that sit inside the 36” culverts, and built wood dock sections that sat on top of the brackets, going out into the lake almost 100ft for maximum stability.
From this he built sections of steel (legs) that hold wooden (3’x16′) wings off the main dock. My father designed a 90ft dock that had 6 wings extending from the sides and ended up with 12 dock slips that boast four-way tie downs. It is considered the best docking setup on all of Lake Nosbonsing.
In the spring of 2022 we made some improvements to our dock system:

When you bring your own boat to Birch Hill Camp, you have the best docking on the lake, and we are always making sure we do not hear banging at night, if so, we check it out and make sure boats are tethered correctly.